Writing a Book on Piwik

I have written a lot of blog posts up to now and a lot of articles. And when I was about 16, I started a novel after seeing “This Boy’s Life” which was trashed before I finished the first chapter.

So when Packt asked me if I wanted to write a book on Piwik Open Source Analytics, I said hell yeah. 250 pages is a lot of pages. And a lot of code. It was the code part that I didn’t count on being as hard as it was. Not that it was hard, but coming up with examples that don’t look like toy code is kind of a bitch.

Ecommerce Tracking

And when I got to the ecommerce tracking chapter, Chapter 7 of 10, I realized that I needed to write a plugin for something. So I wrote a plugin for Zen Cart. And it is not totally complete. It does all the ecommerce tracking but has no admin interface yet. I hope to add that soon before the book comes out.

Piwik Ecommerce Tracking for Zen Cart

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16 May 2012
